Friday, April 25, 2008

Our Garden!

We finished building our first raised garden bed on March 28th and so we planted March 29th! Yeah! It was at the tail end of the season, but I think we made it ok.

This is me after I had just planted my first tomatoe plant! I can already taste my own home grown tomatoe! Yu-uhm!

Abby helped her dad plant the strawberry plants too! (Can you see the 4 little plants right behind her?)

Every time we go outside she goes immediately to the dirt or rocks and sits down in it. She grabs handfulls of dirt and rubs them in her hair or eats it...I guess this is kind of a rite to 1 year old hood or something eh?

Ok, now for some before and after shots!

This one was taken on March 29th.....

...And this was taken on April 23rd. So a little over 3 weeks in growth. Isn't it awesome? I love gardening! It is so much fun to take care of them and talk to the plants! ;) It is very rewarding to watch them grow and get bigger every day! My crookneck squash has little squashies on it with huge beautiful yellow blooms! The artichoke plants are growing tall and the leaves are getting big! We've got little tomatoes all over the place and even some strawberries starting to take form! I love it!


Amy O said...

That garden is beautiful! Good work! I love the raised garden structure--what a great idea. I'm so glad you're already starting to see the fruits (and vegetables) of your labors!

Unknown said...

I need to get on the ball ... again.

Kathy said...

Wow! It is looking great! How fun!