Sunday, May 15, 2011

Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial

We had no idea...but this Memorial was our favorite!  It was awesome!

There were 4 or 5 "rooms" that were symbolic to FDR's years of service.  I love when water and earth and things are used symbolically.  I think there was so much beauty in it.  

We actually caught the ranger's tour right as it was was awesome to learn about each of the statues and what they represented. (Both kids were asleep by then, so we could actually listen! Dave was a champion to carry sleeping Abby on his back for hours!!) And even though I know it was only the good stuff they presented and talked about in the really sparked my interest and desire to learn more about him and his wife.  

Eleanor sounds like an amazing woman with many attributes to emulate as well! (and there was our ranger/tour guide)


Amanda said...

This is my favorite memorial as well. I'm glad you were able to see it!

Unknown said...

Not an FDR fan, but neat memorials are cool! Glad you got to check it out!

Kathy said...

Awesome! So much to learn. They interest me too!