Sunday, July 3, 2011

Talbot Tossen' the Time Away

One of the first things we did once we were settled into our tents at Philmont was to bust out some Talbot Toss!

Abby is improving her game quite a bit!  We had a new friend come play this game with us, but I didn't get his picture.  He was a nice kid and his mom was so nice to me.  Talked to me like I wasn't 20 years younger than her and what not.  I really needed that at the time. 

Joey...1 in 3 go anywhere near the bars....the other out!
Cool shot of the tents in the background too.

Mid air!  Nice shot!


Kathy said...

What a great adventure for your family! I need to practice up on my Talbot tossing so I can be some good competition!

Kellie said...

I love that game! We should break ours out more often.