Sunday, January 25, 2009

Joseph David Omer, Come on Down!!

My (Dave's) first official post of the year bids welcome to the newest member of the Omer family, Joseph David!
Mere hours in this mortal realm.

(Carseat was not included in birth)
Now before you all get excited an expect too much detail, I'll give this much detail: having a baby is exhausting and knocks your schedule out of whack. And even more so for the wife!

And the wife, by the way, is doing well. Amber was a trooper, and li'l Giuseppe did his part as well. Vital stats: 7 lb, 4 oz, 20 1/2 inches, 2:26 PM, 72 deg F (Tucson weather. Huh!)

But like I was saying, things are busy (and late), so you'll have to come back later for more pics, videos, slideshow-montages, etc. For the moment, enjoy the couple of pictures posted here from the day of birth. As for me, I'm gonna go catch some Zzzs with my main man J.D.!


The Merrell Family said...

Oh he's so sweet. Congratulations!!

Unknown said...

He is ABSOLUTELY beautiful as is Amber, WAY TO GO!

Roxxi and Van said...

he is SO adorable! I love the gigantic sleeper on him! haha. Good job guys! Little Marley can't wait to meet him!!

Roxxi and Van said...

he is SO adorable! I love the gigantic sleeper on him! haha. Good job guys! Little Marley can't wait to meet him!!

Ben P. said...


Wait a minute... nine months ago... you were at my wedding! I'm going to take credit for this conception! (Well, half credit... I guess you had something to do with it :)

Kellie said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! YAY! He's adorable and I love his name. As soon as you've rested up (as much as you can with two kids) add more picts and info!

Kathy said...

WooHoo! Congratulations, he is very cute!

mylittlegems said...

congrats:) What a cutie- and I am so happy for you and how you handled the birth:) Way to go! I can't wait to meet him :) take care-sharla

Amanda said...

Amber, just hours post birth and you look amazing! Really you do. and J.D. is so cute and little and adorable!

Anderson Family said...

Congrats!!! We're so excited he's here. He's adorable! We can't wait to meet him in person.
But I thought birth was tiring - why does Amber look so dang good?

my name is john said...

the middle name is cool - good pick!
Dave you stud..your wife is hot after 2 kids (can i say that?)

Sunny & Court said...

Congratulations!! He's looks so cute!!

Jason and Audrey said...

congratulations!!! He is darling. Good luck on getting sleep!

Dawson and Jenny Alverson said...

Amber is a hottie! 2 kids and counting :) i love you guys,congrats!!

mel n mike said...

congrats, you guys! we are thrilled for your little Joey. Come see us at
of course, we don't have a new baby to show off or anything! congrats again.

Unknown said...

SO great.
I needed a nephew.

Marilee Leishman said...

Congrats! I like his name, it's a nice one. We are excited for you and can't wait to meet him.

Christie said...

Congratulations!! So sweet. Amber you'll have to let me know how everything went and how you're doing!

Hadley Family Clan! said...

I am so excited and happy that your handsome little baby boy is here. You look great Amber and I am glad to hear that all went well for you. Congrats and tell your husband thanks for updating your blog with all the fun pictures.

Adrian said...

What a cutie!! Big congratulations! So glad every thing went well! By the way Amber, you look FABULOUS!!!

Kimberly said...

Yea! Am so happy for your family that everything went well.He is a cute little guy.

Lynette said...

(Lynette from high school days, Dave, -- just so you know...)

Congratulations!!!!! :) :)

Beautiful baby boy...and beautiful wife. She doesn't even look tired! I'm impressed. :)

I'm very happy for you two!!

TrishAnderson said...

I hope you are all adjusting well - this week into it. The offer to have Abby over for a play date is still on (however, I might need to to take a raincheck for this Roadshow week and then any time next week or after we can rock and roll!!).

Rachael said...

Omers, I found your blog on the Palmers blog. Congrats on the new addition! How fun! Take care and enjoy that sunny Arizona weather for all of stuck in the snow!