Note to ourselves and any others that reach the sound of our voice....NOT a children friendly museum in the least! Abby was horribly bored and was constantly getting in trouble. Poor kiddo.
I mean, look at her in all of the pictures of her...and the one with Dave..she's faking! Now we must be old enough to want to read ALOT to go here.
Joey was good though. He only had his two bottom teeth in this picture but his top FOUR were coming in all through our vacation...yipeee! Actually it really wasn't that cool, but he's got six chompers now!
This was some cool, alien wood carving thingy. Maybe Dave can remember more about it?
Well, we went and we are glad that we did. It was probably a 2.5 out of 10 overall. However, they are building a new one that looks like it will be super cool! Maybe 2026 or something it will be done?? lol
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