Isn't this the cutest picture ever? And not just because Dave is carrying both of the kids & I none! :) I love these three!
Not many shots turned out inside the caverns (which were enormous)! Not because our camera wouldn't take them, but because each of us had a kid strapped to us nearly the entire time which makes it impossible to take a non shakey picture. You'll all just have to go check 'em out sometime!
I love spelunking! :) Even when I don't get dirty.
And for all you out there wondering how it works with kids (because there are many drop offs of death) there was a paved path through it with rails the entire time. And no strollers are allowed, so little kids pretty much have to be held or strapped to you the entire time. It is way worth it! Could've spent hours in there! Oh, and note to self and others that haven't been, it is 80 stories under the mountain (or something crazy like that) so it's actually kinda chilly. Everyone had jackets but us...who told them huh?? It actually felt pretty nice for a change!
Don't they look so happy? This Cave made people happy! Although...
WARNING- kinda long story following:
Joey did freak out BIG time right in the center of the cave 40 minutes from the exit. Those silly teeth of his coming in...he wouldn't eat all day (he seriously went 8 or 9 hours without eating which is UNHEARD of for this boy) and when we went to put him on my back instead of Dave's, he started screaming...because he wanted to eat (he can smell me!), but then he wouldn't eat because of his teeth. He cried at the top of his lungs for at least 15 minutes in the most quiet, echo-y place in the entire country (I swear I'm not kidding!). It was an awkward place to be...dark, yet, we were at the most visible place in the cave, and i'm trying to nurse a screaming kiddo that would not eat although he was famished. Then Abby started crying to get attention. It was awesome. We finally strapped in two exhausted, crying kids back on our backs and just started walking toward the exit. Joey stopped crying within 45 seconds and konked out. Abby wanted to sleep on my back but it would've tipped me off balance in the huge backpack thingy and I wouldv'e fallen over the railing. hehe! We laugh about all this now, and count it as quite the memory! :D Yet it makes me tired to even re-tell the story.
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