I love Christmas Tree season! The house always smells wonderfully festive and the lights bring such a warm feeling to the entire house. It just begins the many memories for the season...good ones!

Abby LOVED helping this year. And really both kids did great at leaving the ornaments alone. Well, except for the candy canes. They slowly disappeared as the days went by. (LOL) But that's how it should be right?

We have an old string of lights that we didn't need or use this year. So we just left them by an outlet and plugged them in whenever the kids were tempted to pull other lights off the tree. They had a blast playing with them in their laps!

Of course it was IMPOSSIBLE to get a picture of Joey with lights while holding STILL! So, sorry, you get blurry one again! Just know there was pure joy on his face every time he got to touch them!
This was hanging ornaments "Abby style"!
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