Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Phillips Museum

The Phillips are who owned the land the Philmont Scout Ranch is on and donated to the Boy Scouts of America.  This is their old home.  It's now a museum, and it's amazing!

The long hallways with the beautiful old fashioned and neat!

Here Mr. & Mrs. Phillips are! :)

Beautiful bed spreads!

He was quite the hunter.  His trophy room was full!

This rug scared Joey. :)

Their old piano was super cool!  They keep it tuned and let people try it out even!


Unknown said...

What a neat old place! His trophy room scares me though.

Kathy said...

Wow, what generous people to donate such an awesome place. The trophy room reminds me of Harry and the Hendersons. Were you tempted to look at the other side of the wall? :) Beautiful piano and pianist!